Forum Trivia

  1. ★"SenFST" is short for "Senator of FST".
  2. ★This forum was established "single-handedly".
  3. ★This forum carries the title, "Ask", as typical of "Ask Blogs". These blogs are usually run by artist users who would "roleplay" as a particular cartoon or other TV show character and have an open "Ask Box". Random fans would ask questions and responses would be drawn, fitting a "head canon" reaction of the character.
  4. *In the case of Ask-UB SenFST, the use of "Ask" was literally the only shortest word to describe the essence of this forum: a means of communicating with the Senator... as in "Ask SenFST": whatever question, concern, idea, suggestion, comment etc. and knowing that you are communicating with the Senator directly.

  5. ★The "mascot" for the Senator of FST (November 2016-May 2017) is the Pokemon, Buizel.
  6. ★ Many of the Buizel images are not originally created/drawn, but one day they all will be.
  7. ★ An Eevee is a pokemon that can evolve into many different types (Water, Fire, Electric, Grass, Psychic, Dark and Fairy) and, so, new members have an eevee avatar to represent an amazing potential as a member of Ask-UB SenFST!
  8. ★ The original Admin is a Pokemon fan only up to generation IV.

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